Electronic Shelf Labelling > Product Code : Electronic Shelf Labelling (ESL)

Electronic Shelf Labelling (ESL)
EG0213 : 66 × 36.5 × 13.5 mm
EG0290 : 89 × 45 × 13.5 mm
EG0420 :104.5 × 98 × 14 mm
EG0700 : 230 × 220 × 148 mm
EG0750 : 216 × 131 × 9 mm
Display Teche-paper, high visibilty, viewing angle 180°
Display Colour (3-colour)black-white-yellow or black-white-red
Transmission Speedone shop (30,000 units), within 30 mins
Success rate100%
FrequencySub-G (433 MHz), prevent interference from wi-fi and can penetrate through wall and water
Wireless Coverage30-50 m
Operating Temperature5°C to 40°C (normal), -25°C to 15°C (sub-zero)
Communicationreal-time or 2-way communication
Battery Life5 years replaceable on-site

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